Conspiracy Theories Of COVID-19

There have been multiple conspiracy theories that have been making the round since the declaration of Coronavirus as pandemic disease. It has generated unanswered questions in various forms. To narrow the effect down to Africa society, particularly in Nigeria, it has caused divert pains as it injects more hardship into our wobbling economy.

In spite of the untold hardship and unholy economy that has crippled the hopes of many Nigerians, as the corona effect presented itself, the government find it difficult to measure up with the needs of the public (due to the high level of corruption in a system that has adopted corruption as a way of life).

While in some cases, the government find it difficult to take palliatives to the needy as a result of the corrupt rigorous processes and unscrupulous transactions that had murdered moral scruples in the hearts of the above majority of the citizens.

There have been suppositions since the emergence of global lockdown as a result of COVID-19, ranging from health issues, as declared by governing bodies, public views in the midst of health practitioners’ recommendations.

Some people are of the view that coronavirus is a political game to embezzle public funds and to receive funds from external nations.

With the recent discovery of hidden palliatives in warehouses, there is no doubt to contest the fact that, many leaders actually seized the opportunity of the emergence of COVID-19 to do their corrupt businesses as usual. The revelation advocates the reality of secret plots by the elites to politically hold sway over the actions, funds, and mindsets of the public.

It has remained a question mark in the hearts of many since the nullification of hydroxychloroquine by the World Health Organisation (WHO) how coronavirus patients are being treated by Nigeria Centre for Disease Control (NCDC). Among many questions, who has seen or known the names and addresses of the infected patients remain unanswered as NCDC continues to declare proliferation in the number of patients.

The mass movement of #EndSARS protest is another reason why people doubt the existence of coronavirus in Nigeria as no safety measures were observed by protesters, and in extension, by security agents as diluvian of people crammed the streets of Nigeria. How NCDC manufacture their numbers when no one, to the knowledge of the public, is being tested remains a thing of mystery in the hearts of the public.

It is without a doubt that the negative effects of COVID-19 culminate into generating #EndSARS protests. COVID-19 effects drove many, including security agents wild to hunt for more scope of income for the fear of the unknown. Many youths were driven into crime while security agents’ harassment and extortion of the public gained momentum. It injects new meanings into our civilisation.

It will either serve as a velcro of unification that shall lead us to kill corruption as we shall embrace the route to progress, or it will translate into a cul de sac of mayhem and vendetta that will make us go extinct if we fail to secure a common ground as a nation.

  Ezewele Abionanojie Cyril is author of The Enemy Called Corruption

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