‘I Started Ministry By Divine Intervention Amid Plans To Seek Greener Pastures Abroad’

‘I Started Ministry By Divine Intervention Amid Plans To Seek Greener Pastures Abroad’

·          Christians Should Seek the raw power of God, Not Money, Says Prophet Frank Uche

By prince Benson Davies

Much like Prophet Jeremiah of Bible times, God’s command to the General Overseer of the House of Love and Fire Ministry, Prophet Frank Uche was very clear and from then on, he knew he had to answer God’s call into full-time ministry in 1993. He had to leave a lucrative and promising business and his plans to seek greener pastures abroad. But looking back to those years, Pastor Frank expressed gratitude to God for His grace upon his life and calling into full-time ministry. In this interview with the New Experience Newspaper, he narrated his experience growing up and his experience in the ministry some 24 years ago.

How did you come into full-time ministry and what was the experience like establishing a Church in Lagos?

First and foremost, God’s message for me was very clear. He said to me: “Before I formed you in the belly, I knew you, and before you came forth out of the womb, I sanctified you and ordained you a prophet unto the nations. Therefore, gird up your loins, arise and speak unto them all that I command you. Be not dismayed at their faces, lest I confound you before them. For behold, I have made you this day a defense city with an iron pillar and brass walls against the whole land, against the kings of the world and princes and against the people of the land. And they shall fight against you, but I am with you to deliver you.”
So having those words spoken to me directly, I started ministry 24 years ago. I started the ministry in Isolo by divine intervention in somebody’s apartment before the almighty God showed me where we are now in 2003 at 20 Akeja Road, Ile-Iwe Bus Stop Opposite LATMOS Comprehensive College, Egbe Lagos, God almighty revealed the ministry and visions to me in 1997, but started in April 28, 2000. Before I started, I fasted 90 days, praying and reading the Bible, He revealed everything about the vision and the name, It also took me two years praying and fasting and trusting God before I got the church accommodation at Egbe.

I learned business and started on my own as a dealer in building materials in the North. I loved the earlier part of my life in the North, in Kaduna and Zaria precisely. So, having grown up in Zaria and Abuja doing business (Building Materials), I later came to Lagos 1996 with plans to travel abroad with a lot of money, Money was not the problem and when I didn’t succeed, I tried to make inquiries from men of God, but in all the churches and fellowships I attended, I was told I will work for God and that was the reason for my disappointments in life, because I had so much pain at that time.

In 1993, I came to the decision of whether to obey the deep impression God was putting on me to go and expand His evangelical work or be afraid of offending men, spirits, and the lust of the world. I struggled with the situation for some time until I answered the call of God upon my life.

And as of 1993, I gave my life to Jesus at the charismatic Catholic Renewal, a movement in  Saint Augustine Catholic Parish in Tudun Wada, Zaria, which fosters in people a release of the gift of the Holy Spirit and preaches about total repentance and dependence on the Holy Ghost.

I never wanted to be a servant of God, because of worldly pleasures at that time. I was a Rastafarian a Jamaican religious group that considered Haile Selassie, the former Emperor of Ethiopia to be God, a dreaded idol, spoke Rastafarian language, wore five clothes and smoked a lot. I was at this critical stage in my life, when I attended the Charismatic Catholic Renewal in the Catholic Church in Zaria. I challenged the Holy Ghost, read about 10 chapters of the Bible, Old and New testaments, five Psalms and one (Proverb 1.31) “therefore shall they eat of the fruit of their own way and be filled with their own devices”  everyday, it was then I dropped my behavior, character and gave my life to Christ, I repented fully.

So, when the call of God started manifesting in my life, I thought it was impossible and I had to challenge God to prove Himself to me. The Holy Ghost came upon me on that day, and since then I have not looked back. I was a drunkard, smoked heavily and loved beautiful ladies, but all that is in the past because I have not known any other woman since I married my beautiful sister, wife and my mother, the woman of my life. I thank her for her love and understanding.

By the grace of God, our ministry has evolved into a centre for automatic deliverance from strange and incurable sickness and other challenges of life, as well as family bondage of idols and different yokes. We have also delivered many people from eating and drinking in the dream, having sex in the dream, spiritual husband and wife, the yoke of poverty and hardship, barrenness and complications during childbirth, witchcraft, marine and occult powers. My experience is that nothing is impossible in the ministry if people follow the laws of God’s commandments. We also engage in a lot of philanthropy to members of the society and humanitarian works to humanity, among others. Pastors are the masterpiece of the workmanship of God, as their work remains the best.

What is your family background like?

I was born into the family of Mr. and Mrs. Uche of Ezinifite Town in Nnewi South Local Government Area of Anambra State where I grew up and raised by my parents. I got married to Mrs. Frank Uche from Ihefe Owerri Town in Orlu Local Government Area of Imo State with beautiful children.


How and where were you trained for ministry and what programmes do you run for your members and the public?

I never attended any Bible college or was trained by any clergyman. I was led by the Holy Spirit after I attended about five churches and went to so many mountains fasting and praying fervently.It was the Holy Ghost who gave me the name of the church at the Redeemed Camp. It took me three years before I started my ministry. My inspiration, power, and strength came from the Lord through persistent fasting, prayers, and reading the Bible. I usually read 10 chapters of the Bible daily and I have also read different translations of the Bible several times, including the King James version and others. In my Church, we don’t charge people to see the pastor, I have written about 80 articles on Facebook and have spoken several times on Radio and Television. But for now, we are on SMA 104.7FM on Monday, Wednesday, Friday,Friday and Saturdays at 3.50 p.m. daily.

What are the challenges you have faced since starting the ministry?

One can say the major challenges as a pastor remain lack of amenities and resources to assist widows, the less-privileged and the poor in our immediate environment and society at large. We have been trying to meet up with the demands for the people until the economic situation in Nigeria worsened, but we will continue to do our best by God’s grace.

What is your word of admonition for believers, as well as young and upcoming pastors aspiring to go into full-time ministry?

My advice to upcoming pastors and prophets is for them to be guided by the undiluted word of God. Every believer should strive to be genuinely born again, because you discover that the spirit of God is no longer with the Church As every housewife has become a prophetess, they can tell you so many things, but they can’t solve the problems and so are their male counterparts who dive into the prophetic ministry without being called into the prophetic. Some of them are calling themselves into that office purely for money-making purposes.

How would you describe your wife, whom most of your members refer to as the mother of the Church?

The mother of the church,Mrs Constance Ifunanya Frank Uche, can be described as a disciplinarian, a great listener and a great assistant in the ministry. I met her in 2004 and got married in 2005. She was an unbeliever then, but she is now on fire for Christ. She is presently a soul-winner. Initially, she never wanted to marry a man of God; because of their nature, some of them look poor. So after her secondary school at Ihefe-Owerri in Olu Council of Imo State, due to lack of money to further her education, she decided to come to Lagos without informing her mother, because she would not have allowed her to go to Lagos. She stayed with her sister, purposely to look for a job to do and maybe marry a rich man but not a pastor. The sister took her to my church for prayers, where she eventually got married to me, and today I thank God for that, because I am very well and doing well. Though ministry work is not a tea party, I thank God today.

I paid the price before I married my wife, “I prayed and fasted many, many times.”
Christians and people of the world don’t want to pay the price before marriage.
The world is ephemeral; no one knows tomorrow, That is why people should be careful to know their life partners in marriage, if you jump in, you will jump out because you didn’t seek the face of the Lord almighty God before marriage.

My marriage to my beloved wife, Constance Ifunanya Uche, was not an easy one.It was not a tea party at all,I prayed and fasted for Seven good years, praying for a wife from December 1997 to 2005, when I married.
My wife is a prayer warrior and the leader of the group. She can fast and pray fervently for five days a week, sometimes go dry fasting five or seven days with my sister. In short, immediately after I saw her for the first time in 2004, God spoke to me, saying that your wife don’t pray anymore, There were so many ladies at that time in the church for marriage members that even suggested women for marriage to me, but I decided to wait for God’s time.
I went to Camps and mountains for prayers for seven years from December 1997 to 2005 before I got married , I prayed and fasted many many times, God spoke and described the woman I will marry, where she comes from what she will be for God in future. He also showed me my first child and the name “David” and my second child.
I advise young pastors and others to pray and fast fervently. You must pay the price to get a good wife, People often pay the price before getting married.

Jacob paid the price for laban to marry Rachel. In fourteen good years, he was determined for the first seven years. “Genesis 29:20–35, so Jacob worked Seven years for Rechel. But it only seemed like a few days; he loved her so much. Then Jacob said to Laban, “Give me my wife; I’ve completed what we agreed I’d do. I’m ready to fulfill my marital obligation.

price must be paid to get what you want from God.
When I saw my wife in the church, I didn’t want to marry her, I wanted a fire-brand Christian; she wasn’t born again , but she was the chosen one for me. But I paid the price by praying and fasting for seven years, going to mountains and gospel camps to seek God’s face before getting married, I didn’t regret my marriage to her because she is now a soul winner for Christ
Many marriages are broken now because they didn’t seek the face of God, By praying and fasting fervently before getting a wife, people just saw a lady who was beautiful and good-looking without seeking the face of God, get married, and divorced after some time, This ladies has destroyed men of God and churches because they were sent from the marine kingdom
Impatient, Most people are not patient before getting married. That is why you see so many divorces in marriage today.

What is your take on answering altar calls as some Christians do in crusades of Church services, when men of God call for such action?

Answering altar calls is not and should not be a mere confession of Jesus Christ, it goes with genuine repentance (Acts 3:19). Peter preached to a multitude on the day of Pentecost after the baptism of the Holy Spirit and the people became sorry for the evils they had done (Acts 2:14-41). The word pierced their hearts and they were remorseful for the life of sin they had lived; then they asked, “What shall we do?” (Acts 2:37). The people repented first before they responded to Peter’s altar call, there was a change of heart first. Recitation of the words of repentance in an altar call is a complete waste of time if one does not take first the decision to leave sin.
People who listened to John confessed their sins genuinely and repented of their evil ways with all their hearts before baptism (Matt 3:5-12). John, filled with the  Holy Ghost, rebuked the Pharisees and Sadducees who came to listen to his teachings and witness his baptisms and altar calls without repentance and change of heart (Matt 3:7-10). Responding to altar calls by any man of God or in any well known church does not mean anything if you have not taken a sincere or genuine decision to go out of sin for no sinner will enter God’s kingdom (1 Cor 6:9-10).
Being under a particular man of God or in a particular Church is not a guarantee to make heaven. Many who go to Church continue in diverse sins and atrocities yet some boast of their Church and pastor. Which church in Nigeria or in any part of the world is greatly anointed and powerful as the temple in Jerusalem? God rebuked the Israelites who worshipped in the temple but continued in their sins while boasting about the presence and power of God in their temple (Jeremiah 7:1-15). No Church is more powerful than the temple in Jerusalem where the ark and glory of God dwelled, yet God brought down the temple because of sin (2 Chronicles 36:17-19, Matt. 24:1-2). God is a God of justice and judgment, He pays every man according to his work whether good or bad (Eccl. 12:13-14, Rev. 22:11-12).


November, December and January is an evil period spiritually. Every christian must wake up and engage in serious midnight prayers for not less than 2 hours every night. This is not a period to entertain careless for this is a very dangerous season.

Daily make your dreams this period. God speaks through dreams and reveals mystery of things to come through dreams. God spoke to Pharaoh through dream and told him things yet to happen (Gen 41:1-8). God also spoke to Nebuchadnezzar through dreams and revealed the future to him (Daniel 2:1-45). God speaks to everyone through dreams, whether you are a christian or not. Pharaoh and Nebuchadnezzar were sinners, pagans who had no fear of God, yet God spoke to them through dreams. God spoke to Joseph also through dreams and gave him instructions on things to do (Matt 1:18-25). All believers must make their dreams this season.

Anyone planning to travel must engage on serious fasting and prayer before going on any journey so as to prevent sorrow or tragedy. He or she is to engage on 7 days 6 to 6 fasting or 48 hours or 72 hours fasting with midnight prayers. This is a very serious matter, failure to go spiritual this period would lead to many death.

Talking about death, are there any premonitions or signs to guide against sudden death either as Christians or people of other faiths?

The word of God in Hosea 4:6 and Isaiah 5:13-14 clearly indicates that death comes with signs. Before death comes, there must be signs; either physical or spiritual. We must learn to read such signs. No spiritual man dies without notice. Jesus predicted his death several times before he was crucified (Mark 8:31, Matt 16:21). Paul knew that the time of his departure was near (2 Tim. 4:6-8). Moses and Aaron were aware that their hour of death was close (Num. 20:12-24). Jacob knowing his time had come, called his children and blessed them, then he died (Gen. 49:33). Death cannot take a spiritual man unaware, he must see the signs. There are things God reveals to us in the dream that we take for granted because of ignorance. Take note of the following:
Specifically, whenever one sees a skeleton in the dream, it signifies death. Seeing a grave in the dream also signifies death. If one sees himself or herself in the mortuary, it means the spirit of death is after the person. When one is putting on a black garment in a dream, or is covered with a black garment or blanket, it means death. Sometimes, it can be a white garment. Carrying a coffin in the dream or coffin following a person in the dream all stand for the spirit of death. Also communicating and eating with the dead means the spirit of death is after the person. No one communicates with the dead and moves forward.
Being fed by the dead in the dream means the spirit of death is after the individual. If in a dream someone says he is tired and wants to go and sleep, it means death. Seeing a gathering of people mourning in the compound where you are living or at your house in the village. It means someone is about to die in that family. Some see people celebrating in their compound. Many people will think a good thing is coming; most times it signifies death.
Christians are advised not to take these signs for granted, as many have perished by ignoring these signs.
Death is a spirit and can be cast away. When one sees these signs of death, he should go on serious fasting and prayer. Either seven days 6 to 6 fasting with midnight prayers; or going on two or three days dry fasting with midnight prayers depending on the case. One should not say I bind and cast. Death is a strong power and a serious price needs to be paid to overcome it. Paul and his co-travelers fasted 14 days without food before they were saved from shipwreck (Acts 27:33-34). Esther and other Jews fasted 3 days and nights without food or water before their lives were saved; they neither ate nor drank for three days (Esther 4:16). Moses paid the price of fasting for 40 days and 40 nights so that the Israelites would not be consumed in God’s wrath (Deut. 9:18-19). So, when the spirit of death is terrorizing a man, woman or a family; don’t bind and cast, go on serious fasting and prayer, with midnight prayers; the price must be paid.

Members of the public who wants Automatic deliverance from all kinds of problems,Signs and Wonders.Can reach the man of God through these numbers below; “Come and see through Wonders of God”

Or come directly to the church, House of love & Fire Ministry, A.K.A Wonders Arena, at 20,Akeja Road, ile-Iwe Bus stop Opp Lctmos Comp. College, Egbe Lagos

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