The 30th day of July, 2019 was a special day in the lives of members of the Early childhood Association of Nigeria (ECAN) Adeniran Ogunsanya College Of Education, Oto -Lagos chapter, as they hosted other chapters from across the country, at a conference aimed at evolving and devising new ways to enhance quality in early childhood education in Nigeria.

This great day the prestigious Oluremi TINUBU hall of AOCOED which served as a venue was filled to capacity by ECAN member, government officials dignitaries and early childhood education stakeholders who emerged from private and public institutions in response to the invite of the early childhood and primary education Department which convened the august occasion.
During the keynote address, Mrs Ronke Soyombo urged all stakeholders and parents to hold strongly unto the principles of Early childhood education as it remains the only panacea to a worsening society.

According to vocal and extremely entertaining Soyombo, if a child gets the right moral academic, cultural and social mentality early enough that child would rule his world as a model and enviable champion.
Soyombo emphasized on the need for pedagogues, formal and informal to ensure that subject area such as English and Mathematics are getting in the proper manner from scratch.

The 10th ECAN national conference which aimed primarily to enhance quality assurance in early childhood educational development was also graced by ECAN national president, Prof. Akinolote Olusegun, AOCOED Deputy Provost, ECAN national secretary, the LOC, chairman, Sunday Fowowe Simeon etc. At this mind building rendezvous of trainers the Director, Quality Assurance, Lagos State Ministry of Education, Mrs Ronke Soyombo was explosives in her speech.

One of the key components of the keynote address by Mrs Ronke Soyombo is that a child has the tendency to miss a lot in terms of Morality, intellectual and psychological development etc if not guided from the tender period of 0-6years. She pointed out that this very early phase matters because it is the start point of the child’s social Viewpoint and character and instrumental to a peaceful or chaotic life. ECAN ‘S 10th National conference was unique as it included a picnic or tour by the Visitors to historical sights in Badagry and conferment of Awards to excellent performers in the sphere of Early childhood education and beyond.

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